September 10, 2024

One of the common questions online recently is what does AI stand for and how it differs from Human Intelligence? However, it means Artificial Intelligence. Today, as we move into the age of technology, we see that all our vital functions are blended with artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence, which shapes vital functions such as education and career, is essential in shaping the steps people can take in life.

The concept of artificial intelligence, which appeals to the present and the future, also interacts in the career field. Thanks to real AI, developing computer programming and algorithms allows the evolution of new programs. In this way, career fields that play a role in the writing process of the said algorithms begin to take place in our lives as the professions of the future.

When “artificial intelligence” is mentioned, high-level technological devices such as flying cars and robots come to life in our eyes. Although the devices in the content of thoughts are not far from reality, they can watch at a level that can scare people. At this point, the differences between artificial intelligence and human intelligence functions come into question.

What are the Differences between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence and human intelligence perform cognitive functions such as problem-solving, learning, memory, planning, reasoning, language, and perception. Both play an essential building block in developing societies.

There are many differences, as well as similar functions, between human intelligence and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is an invention created by human intelligence to help perform human activities. It is produced to solve specified tasks faster than human intelligence.

Discussed below are the fundamental differences between artificial intelligence and human intelligence:

Origin Difference

Artificial intelligence is an innovation developed by human intelligence in itself. It has been designed to solve problems and tasks faster than human intelligence. On the other hand, human intelligence is inherently innate with abilities such as learning, reasoning, remembering, and thinking.

Speed ​​Separation

The speed of solving artificial intelligence problems is higher than human intelligence. For example, while an individual can solve a problem in 10 minutes, the number of problems that artificial intelligence can solve per minute is 10. The solution competencies that emerge in the cause, effort, and solution phases that appear in human intelligence during the problem-solving phase are solved by algorithms in artificial intelligence.


Artificial intelligence produces accurate results by working according to programmed setups. However, human intelligence has the potential to overlook various points. At this point, the “margin of error” based on human intelligence comes into play.

To decide

Subjective concepts in which human intelligence is affected in decision-making are not in question in artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence performs the analysis process based on the collected data and acts objectively in decision-making.


The adaptation period of human intelligence to changes and environmental developments is very short. The brevity of this process enables people to master the knowledge and increase their familiarity. Artificial intelligence takes a lot of time to adapt to changes and developments.


For artificial intelligence to undertake the duties and responsibilities it undertakes, the detection process of the system must first be provided. Therefore, artificial intelligence performs fewer tasks in a short time. Human intelligence can take on various roles and responsibilities simultaneously. In this way, it is more likely to undertake more tasks in a short time.


While the optimization function of artificial intelligence is shaped by the process of fulfilling the tasks by programming, human intelligence is proficient in brainstorming and implementation.


Even augmented intelligence and AI-powered artificial give robots a nearly humanlike nature but does not make up for the ability of human intelligence. Above all, the main difference between artificial and human intelligence is how it interacts with society.

Man is a social being on his own. A sense of self-awareness enables him to be sensitive to the environment’s emotions. In this way, the interaction power is quite high. On the other hand, artificial intelligence cannot interact by taking social and emotional cues.

About Author

Elaine Fletcher

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